'AUTOR/A: ELVIRA NIEVA DAIMIEL' 'TEMA: FALSE FRIENDS 2º BACHILLERATO.' 'PREGUNTA 1' 'what is the correct meaning of "eventually"?' '' '' 'temporarily' 'finally' 'firstly' 'at least' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 2' 'what does an English person mean when he or she uses " attend"?' '' '' 'to go to a particular event' 'to pay attention in class.' 'to be kind to someone' 'to take part in class.' 'A' 'PREGUNTA 3' 'how would you say in London "ella está embarazada"?' ' ' '' 'she is embarrassed' 'she is embarrassing' 'she is pregnant' 'she is pregnancy' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 4' 'what does the name of this English film mean? "Love actually"' '' '' 'Amor actualmente' 'De hecho, amor' 'Amor de verdad' 'Amor de actualidad.' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 5' 'what does "carpet" mean?' '' '' 'carpeta' 'carpa (pez)' 'alfombra' 'carpetazo' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 6' 'what does "to be constipated" mean?' '' '' 'tener diarrea' 'tener gripe' 'estar constipado' 'estar estreñido' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 7' 'when a person is "sensible", she or he...' '' '' 'cries rather esily' 'loves someone deeply' 'falls in love quite often' 'is always quite reasonable' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 8' 'when someone asks you for "an abstract"in English, she or he is asking you for....' '' '' 'algo abstracto' 'una idea' 'un resumen' 'un boceto' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 9' 'which is the best definition for " to have an argument "' '' '' 'discutir' 'tener argumentos' 'tener razón' 'estar de acuerdo' 'A' 'PREGUNTA 10' 'which is the synonym of "arena"?' '' '' 'sand' 'beach' 'stadium' 'bay' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 11' 'what is an "avocado" in English?' '' '' 'a profession' 'an animal' 'an object' 'a tropical fruit' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 12' 'how many millions is "one billion"?' '' '' '1000 000 000' '1 000 000 000 000' '10 000 000' '100 000' 'A' 'PREGUNTA 13' 'what type of students go to "college"?' '' '' 'teenagers' 'university students' 'babies' 'small children' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 14' 'where does a "conductor" work?' '' '' 'in a taxi' 'with an orchestra' 'in a school' 'in a driving school' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 15' 'what is a "crane"?' '' '' 'something inside your head' 'a machine for moving heavy material' 'a peculiar colour' 'a small part of a computer' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 16' 'if your teacher asks you to write the "date" she or he is asking you to write' '' '' 'a piece of information' 'your marital status' 'your personality' 'the day of the week' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 17' 'what is " to deliver" ?' '' '' 'To decide among many people' 'to talk with many people at a time' 'to take to different places or persons' 'to free someone from jail' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 18' 'Where would you ask for a "dessert"?' '' '' 'In The Sahara' 'In a concert' 'In a restaurant' 'In the USA' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 19' 'In which country is Geneva' '' '' 'Switzerland' 'Italy' 'Germany' 'France' 'A' 'PREGUNTA 20' 'which word does not belong as a synonym of "gracious"?' '' '' 'generous' 'funny' 'kind' 'polite' 'B' 'Compatibilidad 1'