'AUTOR/A: Pedro Cano' 'TEMA: Inglés 2ºBach' 'PREGUNTA 1' 'IC chips used in computers are usually made of' '' '' 'Lead' 'Silicon' 'Gold' 'Silver' 'Chromium' 'Iron' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 2' 'If an animal is an invertebrate, what does it not have?' '' '' 'Wings' 'Money' 'Ears' 'Head' 'A backbone' 'Legs' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 3' 'The largest ocean in the world is' '' '' 'Pacific Ocean' 'Indian Ocean' 'Southern Ocean' 'Artic Ocean' 'Atlantic Ocean' 'Dream Ocean' 'A' 'PREGUNTA 4' 'Who invented the Nintendo Wii?' '' '' 'Johannes Gutenberg' 'Albert Einstein' 'Kashi Kabushiki' 'Ralph Baer' 'Stephen Wozniak' 'Jack Kilby' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 5' 'Olimpic Games are organised every' '' '' 'two years' 'three years' 'four years' 'six years' 'eight years' 'ten years' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 6' 'What is the main colour of Brazil´s national team shirt?' '' '' 'Yellow' 'Green' 'Blue' 'Balck' 'Brown' 'Red' 'A' 'PREGUNTA 7' 'What was the half-man and half-horse in mythology called?' '' '' 'Cyclope' 'Harpy' 'Crazy Horse' 'Minotaur' 'Pegasus' 'Centaur' 'F' 'PREGUNTA 8' 'When we open an Internet site we see www. What is the full form of www?' '' '' 'World Wide Word' 'Word Winding Works' 'World Wide Spiderman Web' 'World War Wisdom' 'Word Wide Web' 'Why When Where' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 9' 'Which ball game is played in a swimming pool with seven players?' '' '' 'Synchronized swimming' 'Waboba' 'Triathlon' 'Water Polo' 'Acuatic Football' 'Water skiing ' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 10' 'Which of the following animals is not found in the polar regions?' '' '' 'Reindeer' 'Fox' 'Seal' 'Snake' 'Polar bear' 'Caribou' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 11' 'Who won Men´s Single title in French Open (Roland Garros) in 2010?' '' '' 'Roger Federer' 'Rafael Nadal' 'Peter Sampras' 'Sergi Bruguera' 'Andre Agassi' 'Juan Martin del Potro' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 12' 'The.................., The Witch and The Wardrobe. What is the missing word?' '' '' 'Tiger' 'Wizard' 'Robot' 'Cat' 'Lion' 'Monster' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 13' 'What is Winnie the Pooh´s favourite food?' '' '' 'Fish and chips' 'Nuts' 'Pancakes' 'Honey' 'Fruit' 'Crisps' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 14' 'Who is Mr Bean and Johnny English?' '' '' 'Brad Pitt' 'Ricky Gervais' 'Jude Law' 'Marlon Brando' 'Orlando Bloom' 'Rowan Atkinson' 'F' 'PREGUNTA 15' 'What are Heathrow and Gatwick?' '' '' 'Football teams' 'Surnames' 'TV programmes' 'Cities' 'Airports' 'Recipes' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 16' 'What precious gem can you find in an oyster?' '' '' 'A nugget of gold' 'Pearl' 'Rruby' 'Diamond' 'Emerald' 'Sapphire' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 17' 'How many wives did Henry VIII have?' '' '' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 18' 'The term PC means' '' '' 'Private Computer' 'Professional Computer' 'Pathetic Computer' 'Portable Computer' 'Personal Computer' 'Personal Calculator' 'E' 'FyQ ENCUENTRO'