'AUTOR/A: Pedro Cano' 'TEMA: ING4ºESO General Knowledge' 'PREGUNTA 1' 'Which is the highest mountain in the world?' '' '' 'K2' 'Annapurna' 'Aconcagua' 'Everest' 'Kilimanjaro' 'Etna' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 2' 'Which is the biggest desert in the world?' '' '' 'Gobi' 'Sahara' 'Kalahari' 'Sonoran' 'Atacama' 'Colorado' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 3' 'The largest island in the Mediterranean Sea is' '' '' 'Sardinia' 'Cyprus' 'Corsica' 'Crete' 'Sicily' 'Majorca' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 4' 'The city which is also known as the city of Canals is' '' '' 'Rome' 'Madrid' 'Barcelona' 'Venice' 'London' 'Edinburgh' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 5' 'The country called The Land of the Rising Sun is' '' '' 'Cambodia' 'Kazakhstan' 'Israel' 'Kuwait' 'India' 'Japan' 'F' 'PREGUNTA 6' 'The volcano Vesuvius is located in' '' '' 'Spain' 'France' 'Italy' 'Iceland' 'Sweden' 'Hawaii' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 7' 'The national flower of Britain is' '' '' 'Rose' 'Carnation' 'Camellia' 'Gladiolus' 'Lily' 'Daisy' 'A' 'PREGUNTA 8' 'The most famous painting of Pablo Picasso is' '' '' 'Nude woman in a red armchair' 'The old guitarrist' 'Guernica' 'The dream' 'Tete d´une femme lisant' 'La Muse' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 9' 'The first woman Prime Minister of Britain was' '' '' 'Coco Chanel' 'Carmen Chacon' 'Helena Rubinstein' 'Julia Roberts' 'Margaret Thatcher' 'Julie Andrews' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 10' 'The nick name of New York city is' '' '' 'Big Cake' 'Big Peach' 'Big Pineapple' 'Big Pancake' 'Big Cat' 'Big Apple' 'F' 'PREGUNTA 11' 'How many legs have butterflies got?' '' '' '4' '6' '8' '10' '12' '100' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 12' 'One kilobyte is equal to' '' '' '10 bytes' '105 bytes' '1000 bytes' '1024 bytes' '3000 bytes' '10000 bytes' 'D' 'PREGUNTA 13' 'FIFA is an organization working in the field of' '' '' 'Banking' 'Textiles' 'Vehicles' 'Solar Energy' 'Airplanes' 'Sports' 'F' 'PREGUNTA 14' 'Tiger Woods is a ' '' '' 'Waiter' 'Golfer' 'Tennis player' 'President of USA' 'Swimmer' 'Footballer' 'B' 'PREGUNTA 15' 'How many penalties are usually taken in a penalty shoot-out?' '' '' '2' '3' '5' '7' '9' '13' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 16' 'The singer Rihanna is from' '' '' 'England' 'The USA' 'Barbados' 'Africa' 'Scotland' 'Cuba' 'C' 'PREGUNTA 17' 'What country calls its flag The Union Jack?' '' '' 'England' 'USA' 'Australia' 'Canada' 'UK' 'India' 'E' 'PREGUNTA 18' 'Which of these animals is adopted as a pet?' '' '' 'Hippo' 'Hyena' 'Rabbit' 'Cougar' 'Cheetah' 'Jackal' 'C' 'FyQ ENCUENTRO'