'Art and Literature' 'TEMA: Art and Literature' 'AUTOR/A: Ana Bello' 'PREGUNTA 1' 'What nationality was Chopin?' '' '' '' '' '' 'English' 'Polish' 'Russian' 2 ' PREGUNTA 2' 'Who lived at 221B, Baker Street, ' 'London?' '' '' '' '' 'S. Holmes' 'Wolfman' 'Dr.Jekyll' 1 'PREGUNTA 3' 'Who cut Van Gogh´s ear?' '' '' '' '' '' 'an enemy' 'his father' 'he did' 3 'PREGUNTA 4' 'What Spanish artist said he would ' 'eat his wife when she died?' '' '' '' '' 'Dali' 'Picasso' 'Gaudi' 1 'PREGUNTA 5' 'Who wrote Julius Caesar, Macbeth and' 'Hamlet?' '' '' '' '' 'O. Wilde' 'Dickens' 'Shakespeare' 3 'PREGUNTA 6' 'Who wrote Lazarillo de Tormes?' '' '' '' '' '' 'Anonymous' 'Cervantes' 'F.de Rojas' 1 'PREGUNTA 7' 'What did the 7 dwarves do for a job?' '' '' '' '' '' 'miners' 'gardeners' 'lawyers' 1 ' PREGUNTA 8' 'How many people went in Noah´s Ark?' '' '' '' '' '' '6' '12' '8' 3 'PREGUNTA 9' 'Who wrote the James Bond books?' '' '' '' '' '' 'Jane Austen' 'Ian Fleming' 'Allan Poe' 2 'PREGUNTA 10' 'Who said, "I think, therefore I am"?' '' '' '' '' '' 'Asterix' 'Woody Allen' 'Descartes' 3 'PREGUNTA 11' 'Where was El Greco born?' '' '' '' '' '' 'Greece' 'Spain' 'Italy' 1 'PREGUNTA 12' 'Who wrote the Satanic Verses?' '' '' '' '' '' 'S. Larsson' 'Salman Rusdie' 'P. Auster' 2 'PREGUNTA 13' 'What´s the most important book in ' 'the Moslem religion?' '' '' '' '' 'Bible' 'Koran' 'Buddha' 2 'PREGUNTA 14' 'What´s the Hungarian word for pepper' '' '' '' '' '' 'paprika' 'kebab' 'pepperoni' 1 'PREGUNTA 15' 'Who painted the Sistine Chapel?' '' '' '' '' '' 'Michelangelo' 'Da Vinci' 'Botticelli' 1 'FyQ MINITRIVIAL'