'TEMA: City Life' 'PREGUNTA 1' 'which famous writer ' 'slept facing North' 'thinking it improved his' 'writing?' '' '' 'he was english' '' '' 'he wrote a christmas carol' '' '' 'charles dickens' 'PREGUNTA 2' 'Which writer lived and ' 'travelled with his lover' 'for almost thirty years' 'before marrying her?' '' '' 'he wasd irish' '' '' 'he married nora barnacle' '' '' 'james joyce' 'PREGUNTA 3' 'which writer was ' 'awarded the pulitzer ' 'prize four times?' '' '' '' 'he was american' '' '' 'he lived during the twentieth century' '' '' 'robert frost' 'PREGUNTA 4' 'which author married his' 'thirteen year old cousin?' '' '' '' '' 'he was american' '' '' 'he lived during the ninteenth' 'century' '' 'edgar allen poe' 'PREGUNTA 5' 'which author had' 'difficulty finding a' 'publisher?' '' '' '' 'she's one of the best selling authors' 'of the 21st century' '' 'she's one of the richest people in ' 'the uk' '' 'j.k rowling' 'PREGUNTA 6' 'who accidently killed ' 'his wife while trying to' 'shoot a glass off ' 'her head?' '' '' 'it happened in 1951' '' '' 'he was a twentieth century' 'amercian author' '' 'w. buroughs' 'PREGUNTA 7' 'which writer is known ' 'for liking to write ' 'first drafts with a ' 'number 2 pencil?' '' '' 'he liked bullfighting' '' '' 'he was american' '' '' 'e. hemmingway' 'PREGUNTA 8' 'which writer invented' 'the word "hurry"?' '' '' '' '' 'he was known for his plays ' 'although he also wrote sonets' '' 'he also coined other words like: ' 'assassination, bloody and road' '' 'w. shakespeare' 'PREGUNTA 9' 'who was the first' 'writer buried in poets' 'corner in westminster' 'abbey?' '' '' 'he was a medieval poet' '' '' 'he wrote the canterbury tales' '' '' 'g. chaucer' 'AUTOR/A: Nora Alonso Redondo' 'FyQ IDENTITY'